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Published since 1969, Microelectronics Journal is an international forum for the dissemination of research into, and applications of, microelectronics. Papers published in Microelectronics Journal have undergone peer review to ensure originality, relevance and timeliness. The journal thus provides a worldwide, regular and comprehensive update on semiconductor technology.

Coverage of the journal falls into the two main categories of Circuits and Systems and Physics and Devices. The journal invites research and application papers in all the areas listed below. Papers featuring novel system designs or devices are especially welcomed. The journal also considers comprehensive review/survey papers covering recent developments.

The journal's coverage includes, but is not limited to:

Circuits and Systems

  • Analogue, digital and RF circuit design methodologies
  • Logic, architectural and system level synthesis
  • Testing, design for testability, built in self-test
  • Area, power and thermal evaluation
  • Co-design, including hardware-software and chip-package
  • Mixed-domain simulation and design
  • Formal verification
  • Application aspects such as signal and image processing, sensor and actuator design, reliability and quality issues, and economic models, are also welcome.

    Physics and Devices

  • Materials growth science: technology and techniques
  • Physics, properties and characterisation of materials systems
  • Devices and microsystems technology: production and manufacturing
  • Advanced lithography for submicron devices and VLSI microlithography
  • Nanoelectronics and nanoprecision instrumentation
  • Technology and applications of magnetic materials
  • Molecular engineering: molecular materials and self-assembly processes
  • Devices covered include semiconductor devices, optoelectronic devices, micromachined devices, nanodevices and hybrid devices. Papers covering the associated materials, physics, properties, fabrication and manufacturing of these devices are also welcomed.